Dr. Paresh Kumar Dave
Founder, IP Moment, DelhiPatron

Dr. Anthony Crasto
Principal Scientist, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals LimitedGuest of Honor

Anil Kharia
MD, Modern Laboratories, IndoreSpecial Guest

Prof. Rajesh Sharma
Head, School of Pharmacy, DAVV, IndoreGuest of Honour

Dr. Pankajray Patel
Director, GSMS, GTUSpecial Guest

Mr. Sanket Mehta
Director ASP Pharma EquipmentsSpecial Guest

Mr. Rajiv Singhal
General Secretary, AIOCDGuest Speaker
“Questions are the engines of intellect, the cerebral machines which convert energy to motion and curiosity to controlled inquiry” -David Hackett
Participate in the quiz not only to win grand prizes but also to enhance and explore your knowledge of pharmaceutical research and development.
The theme for Quiz: Pharmaceutical drugs based on clinical studies and Pharmaceutical drug discovery
Type of Questions: Multiple Choice & Subjective Type
NOTE: The QUIZ will be carried out in 2 phases.
1) PHASE 1: Phase 1 will be for all the students who have registered for the PharmaNEST quiz.
The theme for Phase 1 of the quiz is “Pharmaceutical drugs based on clinical studies“ and comprises 60 questions to be completed in 60 minutes. The total marks will be 60 that is 1 mark for 1 question. No negative marking.
2) PHASE 2: Only those participants who score more than 70% in Phase 1 will be allowed to participate in phase 2.Theme for Phase 2 of the quiz is “Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery“ and will comprise 30 questions out of which 10 questions will be starred questions (*), 20 questions will be non- starred questions
– Each questions will carry 1 point per question
For more information Contact-Shreya Shirodkar (Event Head): shreya@opf.org.in
A good blog is one that gives its users great content that enriches those reader’s lives and gives them something to look forward to for the next time. The content of your blog should be as such that through which you can build trust with your target audience.
THEME- Novel Approaches for Drug Discovery
- The blog should be submitted within 24 hours in MS word file.
- Blog must be summarized between 1200 to 1500 words.
- The content of your blog should not divert from the topic. The flow of content should be logical and organized in an order that makes sense.
- Your blog should be divided into certain paragraphs i.e., introduction, main body and last conclusion etc depends on your call.
- Use bullet points, subheadings and shorter paragraphs to make it effective and easy for the reader.
- You can also use images to make it more impressive.
- Avoid the grammatical errors.
- Make your content interesting, empathetic, entertaining and easy to read.
- Plagiarism must not be more than 20%.
- You also get rewarded for your dedication and hardwork in form of cash prizes.
For further queries you can contact-
Ms. Amisha Gupta: amisha@opf.org.in
Ms. Surabhi Shakya: surabhi@opf.org.in
Note- Before submitting the blog carefully analyze all the points.
It is a great opportunity for you so don’t waste it.
E-Poster Presentation Competition
Abstract Submission:
Abstract should be submitted in MS Word.
- The text of the abstract should be typed in Times New Roman using font size of 12 with title in bold. The abstract should not be more than 250 words.
- The abstract headings should contain Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
- All the poster presentations are categorized as Original research and Review.
- Authors of Plagiarized Abstracts Shall be Debarred and won’t get a chance to submit their E-Posters.
- Last date of abstract submission 20 April 2021.
Guidelines for E-Posters
- E-Posters should consist of a single Microsoft Power point slide, including information on the following topics:
- Title and the author’s information. Asterisk mark for presenting Author.
- The poster should include the abstract number allotted by the Pharmanest team. Don’t include your affiliation details.
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results Discussion – include tables, figures and graphs
- Conclusion
- References (Max 3)
- Use a plain background without patterns or dark colours.
- Layout: Landscape, File Size: Maximum file size is 5MB, Save your file as a PDF (.pdf) and upload.
- Guidelines for E – Poster Presentation
- The Presenting Author must be registered for the event – PharmaNEST-2021
- The maximum time limit for presentation is 5 minutes followed by interaction of 2 minutes.
- The presenting author must be present on the portal specified to them in at least 15 minutes before their designated time and wait until the committee admit you.
- E-posters should be clear, well-organised, informative and concise and should include all necessary information (Title, Methods, Results & Discussion, etc.)
- Other than presenting author should not allowed to present.
- The Presenting Author must be switch on the video during presentation.
- The Judge’s decision is final.
- The selected participants will be eligible for Phase-II presentation.
- Only the presenting author will get the certificate for presentation.
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
- Oral presentation should consist Microsoft Power point slides (Max 10 slides), including information on the following topics:
- Title and the author’s information. Asterisk mark for presenting Author.The poster should include the abstract number allotted by the Pharmanest team. Don’t include your affiliation details.
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results Discussion – include tables, figures and graphs
- Conclusion
- References (Max 3)
- Use a plain background without patterns or dark colours.
- Layout: Landscape, File Size: Maximum file size is 5MB, Save your file as a PDF (.pdf) and upload.
- Guidelines for Oral Presentation
- The Presenting Author must be registered for the event – Pharmanest-2021
- The maximum time limit for presentation is 7 minutes followed by interaction of 3 minutes.
- The presenting author must be present on the portal specified to them in at least 15 minutes before their designated time and wait until the committee admit you.
- Oral presentation should be clear, well-organised, informative and concise and should include all necessary information (Title, Methods, Results & Discussion, etc.)
- Other than presenting author should not allowed to present.
- The Presenting Author must be switch on the video during presentation.
- The Judge’s decision is final.
- Only the presenting author will get the certificate for presentation.
For more information Contact-
Dr. R. Kalirajan: drkalirajan@opf.org.in
Guidelines and conditions to be Followed:
- The topic for the extempore competition will be informed at the time, when the specific participant’s turn arrives to participate. And 50 seconds will be given to think regarding the topic allotted to speak.
- Participant can speak min. 2 minutes and max. 5 minutes.
- The Participant allowance to enter the extempore event will be based on login basis. (first come first participate basis)
- The competition will be conducted on GoTowebinar platform only. So, it is worth necessary for the participant to stay connected with GoToWebinar platform either in PC or android mobile.
- The participant should turn on his/her webcam during his/her activity.
- Once the topic is allotted to the participant, Usage of Notebooks, Pens, Laptops should be avoided as the reference.
- The speech should be purely in English.
- Good internet connectivity should be maintained throughout the activity. If the connection is lost, then the participant will be considered as inattentive.
- The speech/activity should be worth original.
- The evaluation will be based on quality of speech, confidence, presence of mind, creativity, novelty, depth of the activity.
For more information Contact-
Ms. Sri Vallika
Competition Head: pharmanest@opf.org.in
PharmaNEST- Video Making Competition
OPF invites you to participate in PharmaVid, an International Video-making Competition on the theme “Data Science, Computational tools, Artificial Intelligence and more novel technologies: evolution and contribution in the Pharmaceutical Research”
Aim: We aim to advocate the importance of pharmacists and their impact on public healthcare. The aim also lies in exploring and educating research scholars, students, industry people about the new and emerging technologies in the field if pharma such as data science, artificial intelligence and much more. We also intend to make people aware of various health-related problems prevalent in society and innovative ways to tackle them.
General Rules and Guidelines to be followed:
• A team of up to 5 members can participate. Individual participation is permitted.
• All members of the team have to be registered as participants of the PharmaNEST 2021
• The duration of the video should be between 2.5-4 minutes, clearly stating the given topic.
• The participants have to make a real video with a script or a dancing video in which the participants can depict the topic with their dance.
• A link will be sent to the registered email ID where all the details and video is to be uploaded.
• The medium of language should be English.
• The video must be original.
•The interested candidates would receive an email for some basic details of the candidates once the registration process for PharmaNEST 21 completed.
• After two days , the candidates would receive an email having the topics for the video and the link for video submission.
-The candidates would get 5 days for the submission of the video.
-After the submission of the video, the selected videos will be posted on the OPF social media pages specifically YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and twitter. The likes and comments would be considered for the final evaluation for three days. The final evaluation would be done according to the organic impressions on the video on each social media platform.
40% weightage would be given to the response on the videos by the public on YouTube channel and the rest 60% would be marked by the invited judges.
Evaluation Criteria:
o Originality
o Creativity
o Message Content
o Technical Quality and Sound
For more information or any queries, you can write on: Shweta@opf.org.in, meineechiu@opf.org.in
Registration Details
Registration Option: Online Registration starts from 25 February 2021. Registration is compulsory to participate in various competitions in PharmaNEST 21.
Online: Candidates have to register online by filling the form at https://opf.org.in/pharmanest/ (website)
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Amount Paid for registration is non refundable and non transferable.
Important Instructions: PharmaNEST 21 is a virtual online event keeping in mind the current pandemic crisis.Although, the valedictory function will be organized in offline mode. Winners would be invited for valedictory function and other delegates have to register separately for valedictory function. Organizers are not liable for any connectivity loss during event. Delegate should make sure that they have secure internet connectivity and proper audio visual system during presentation. If the candidate is found to have improper audio and video connectivity, it would be deemed as an improper presentation and the participant will be evaluated accordingly.
Registration are Officially Closed for PharmaNEST’21
Local Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee Convener: Dr. R. kalirajan- drkalirajan@opf.org.in
E-Quiz Committee Head: Ms. Shreya Shirodkar- shreya@opf.org.in
E-Blog Committee Head: Ms. Amisha Gupta- amisha@opf.org.in
Extempore Committee Head: Ms. Sri Vallika- pharmanest@opf.org.in
PharmaVID Committee Head: Ms. Shweta Mittal: shweta@opf.org.in
Registration Committee Head: Mr. Aman Sharma- pharmanest@opf.org.in; pharmanest.opf@gmail.com
Technical Helpline: pharmanest@opf.org.in; pharmanest.opf@gmail.com and Contact Number: +91-94609-71652

Ms. Mei Nee Chiu
Ms, Shweta Mittal
Organizing Secretary
Dr. R. Kalirajan
Scientific Service Convener
Dr. B. Gowramma
SSC Coordinator
Mr. Aman Sharma
Registration Committee Head
Mr. Ashutosh Choubisa
Registration Committee Member
Ms. Shreya Shirodkar
E-Quiz Competition Head
Ms. Priti Patidar
E-Quiz Competition Member
Ms. Surabhi Shakya
E-Blog Competition Head
Ms. Amisha Gupta
E-Blog Competition Head
Ms. Samiksha Sawhney
Ms. Nehal Nandwana
Social Media Committee Member
Ms. Sakshi Wagh
Social Media Committee Member
Dr. Karthickeyan Krishnan

Mr. Manav Kheni
Social Media Committee Head
Ms. Sri Vallika
Extempore Competition Head
Ms. Rimjhim Arora
Extempore Competition Head
Ms. Ananya Singh
Mr. Chetan Mehta
SSC Member
Ms. Prachi Storewala
Mr. Darpan Mishra
Social Media Coordinator
Mr. Kabya Pratap
Social Media Coordinator
Ms. Vishakha Chejara
Mr. Md. Asim
Mr. Nishu Yadav
Ms. Harsha Farenjiya Khatik
Ms. Chavi Goel